Would it not be great to see a JW sitcom on HBO. any one have any good thems.
is there help out there
JoinedPosts by is there help out there
by is there help out there inwould it not be great to see a jw sitcom on hbo.
any one have any good thems..
JW marriage are they real
by Luo bou to inusually we marry someone we know and love as a person.
my marriage 20 years broke up after i began to question my faith in the wt my wife was so fearfull.
so was i: i did not want to believe that i had been deceived but i could not deny what i learnt and continue to live a lie in the so called truth.
is there help out there
When you marry a JW, you do not marry a person, you marry a JW borg drone.
is there help out there
Did the subcontractor get a kick back.
Why don't they want to know what they don't know they know??
by oompa ini did a thread a few months back about how many dubs are just like us....they don't do or believe everything the fds tell them they should.
such as many dubs do not shun and many dont think only jw's will survive armageddon, many this college is a very good idea etc.
but i have noticed since i went super vocal trying to enlighten my friends upon my wake-up, that not only do many, many dubs not really know actual jw teachings, but they dont even care what they are or are not!
is there help out there
The differance is that our hard drive has been formated and reprogramed
I do not know what to say to my female friend yet.
by asilentone inmy female friend just got divorced recently, i was shocked to see her email few minutes ago and she asked me if i think she is sexy and pretty?
i do not know what to say to her since i do not find her attractive.
i consider her as a friend, thats it.
is there help out there
Any girl who ask`s if she is pretty or sexy is suffering from low self worth and low self esteen.
by is there help out there ini have never been a jw and only reason i am here is becouse a young lady asked for my help getting out of the borg.
but i feel i have gained some real friend on this board..
is there help out there
I have never been a JW and only reason I am here is becouse a young lady asked for my help getting out of the borg. But I feel I have gained some real friend on this board.
How do some stay in despite violating the Society rules over and over?
by donny inwhat i still find strange is how one person can "fornicate" or violate some other major rule of the society and elders swarm on them and almost shove them out the door, yet others can violate the rules endlessly and never seem to receive any consequence.. my oldest daughter (baptized) married a jw back in 2002 and they divorced in 2005. she then went through various boyfriends over the next couple of years and in early 2007 she married a "worldly" guy who was in the u.s. marine corps.
and shortly after the marriage was sent to iraq.
nothing was ever said about this as far as i know, but according to jw teaching when i was part of the "mess", this constitues "fornication".
is there help out there
Nothing is more boring and depressing that being a JW.
Any one a fan of Calvin & Hobbes
by is there help out there ini`t winter here in the east and i just love when the snow goons come out to play..
is there help out there
I`t winter here in the east and I just love when the Snow Goons come out to play.
The Grand Poobahs' lifestyles in Brooklyn?
by lavendar ini was just thinking today about all the hard-working, gotta-make-it-to-paradise jws.
how the organization has made millions on the backs of these people who think they're serving the true god.
then i got curious.....do the big boys of brooklyn live lavish lifestyles?
is there help out there
Where do they host the sex orgys.